No mumbo jumbo but science

Maybe we talk about miracles indeed – but in this case the miracle would be the amazing abilities of our body to heal itself.

And you know: Proof is better than any claim…


Out of a recent study on the topic of “Grounding and sleep”: Among the 60 participants suffering sleeping disorder and joint or muscle pain were 38 women and 22 men.

The participants werde divided into two groups. One group slept grounded, the other placebo group did not.  

The study over 30 days revealed amazing results:

  • 85% of those participants who slept grounded fell asleep faster
  • 93% declared to have slept much better all night long
  • For 82% of those participants felt that the muscle hardening was significantly reduced.
  • 74% of the grounded participants reported that chronic pain in back or joints were relieved or vanished
  • All of the grounded participants felt fresher and more rested when getting up.
  • 78% would describe their general health status as much better

Mehrere Versuchspersonen gaben an, andere Erkrankungen hätten sich unerwartet, aber signifikant verbessert: Asthma und Atemwegserkrankungen, rheumatoide Arthritis, Blutdruck, Schlafapnoe und das prämenstruelle Syndrom (PMS). Auch Hitzewallungen ließen nach.

(taken from: “Earthing” by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, Martin Zucker)

Medical opinions

“We have been applying the products of LuminaVital for nearly a year now. It is a innovative therapy, without any side effects, that makes a huge difference for our patients. Due to modern life style people hardly find rest nowadays and a lot of us are in a constant state of congestion. Light therapy serves the reduction of stress and activation of weakened cell and body functions.
The positive harmonisation activates and improves the ability of the body to self-healing.

(GP Thurner, 3851 Kautzen, Austria)

Patents and Tests

Our treatment pads are patented and examined:

– European Patent Office (EP 1 333 702 B1)

– TÜV Süddeutschland

– for the shielding attenuation against electromagnetic waves by Prof. Peter Pauli, Munich

A selection of books

You will find a wide range of publications dealing with the topics light energy, Earthing or biophotonics.

We have picked up a smaller selection for you (most books are in German, though).

37 Grad „Das Geheimnis der idealen Körpertemperatur für optimale Gesundheit“

Uwe Karstädt naturopath and renowned author about medical topics

ISBN 978-3-86445-435-6 – Buy at Amazon


Clinton Ober etc – the explorer of earthing

ISBN 978-3867310918 Buy at Amazon

Biophotonen – Neue Horizonte in der Medizin

Prof. Fritz-Alpert Popp – biophotonics pioneer from Germany

ISBN 978-3-8304-7267-4 Buy at Amazon

Die Botschaft der Nahrung

Prof. Fritz-Alpert Popp – biophotonics pioneer from Germany

ISBN 3-86150-319-0 Buy at Amazon

Cellular awakening

Barbara Wren, director of the College of Natural Nutrition.

ISBN 978-3-941435-05-6 Buy at Amazon

Licht ist leben „Die Zukunft der Medizin hat begonnen“

Kerstin Fringes MSC naturopath, osteopath EFDMA, psychological counselor.

ISBN 978-3-8423-7884-1 Buy at Amazon

Light Therapy movies

Find additional information online and make up your own mind

Enter keywords like biophotonics, earthing or light therapy in your lavierte search engine and filter via the “video” tab to get a selection of movies about those topics.
The following films in German might be an inspiration.

A bold pioneer

It is most rewarding to learn more about Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp. The German biophysicistwas one of the first scientists to deal with the effects of biophotonics on the human health system dedicating nearly all his life to those questions. Find a commemorative publication in English here: ResearchGate.